Monday, October 31, 2016

New day, New Week, End of Old Month

Its the start of the new week and the end of the new month. Therefore it is a time to be pumped up, full of energy and also a time to contemplate on the past month and how closer we are to achieving those dreams of ours. It feels like just yesterday when we all welcomed a new year yet here we are in the penultimate month. How many of those new year resolutions have we followed up on? How much progress have we made from the last 10 months? If you have done a lot congratulations, if you have not, buddy, you still have two months to go. Even if you do not achieve them all, you can set the tone for the way 2017 will pan out. Planning is 50% or more of the job.
As my own way of contributing to the society, of helping make the world a better place, from tomorrow, aside from the positive vibes, I will also be teaching you guys how to make certain cosmetics. You might not monetize it but you can at least save yourself a few bucks by making some of the things you use. Do not keep the news to yourself. Spread the news, let others know. You never know, there might be someone out there who this might be his first step towards becoming all that he can possibly be.
See you tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


It feels great to have finally defended my final year project. I'm feeling good. I feel like I am on top of the world. I'm living my dreams. In the middle of all the ecstasy some thought crossed my mind; yes I'm about to leave school but how much of a better person am I? How much juice did I suck out of school? This made me realize that this period of graduation is a period of reflection. A period to reflect on the time spent at school. A time to compare myself now and me before school. How much have I grown? I might be more literate , but can the same be said about my education? What can be said about my character now compared to 5 years ago? I'm still thinking deeply about the answers to these questions.
All the same, its been an eventful week and I just want to say to you all my dear readers, Keep working hard, keep believing in your dreams, they really do come true!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hi guys,
A very warm welcome from Richer Life blog. I sincerely believe you're injecting more life into your dreams. I came across a beautiful portion of AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN and I felt we might all enjoy it. Here it goes:
Live life fully while you are here. Experience Everything. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up, you are going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Find the cause of your problems and eliminate it. Do not try to be perfect. Just be an excellent example of being human.Constantly look for ways to improve yourself. Be a life-long learner. Let your humanity- your caring for yourself and your caring for others- be the guiding principle of your life. But do not take life too seriously that you lose the power of spontaneity, the pleasure that comes from being silly and being a kid again.
Remember to add a little more effort just for me. It might just be what you need to get across the line.
See you tomorrow

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hi guys, its another day, another opportunity to inject life into that dream of yours. We are making the days count , we are winning.
I was thinking hard about something last night. I want us to go over it together. I got across the Expediency Factor while reading Brian Tracy's NO EXCUSES. I was wondering how many people are underachieving because of this. When making decisions, how much time do we put into consideration when evaluating the consequences of our decisions. As a student for instance, you have a test tomorrow, you need to study but then there is this mini party going on in the hostel, friends are all there and it seems like you're missing out on all the fun in the world. What do I do? Seems a no-brainer until you find yourself in that situation. You can either enjoy immediate gratification; go have some fun after all you have all night to study and life is short. You get there, take a sip of alcohol, a little dance before you know what you're exhausted and you postpone the reading to tomorrow morning and flunk the test or you can decide to consider your decision from a more long term perspective. You could say "well, there are a lot more parties to come and they are much more fun when you're a success, go in, study and  pass your test." If you dear friend want long term rewards, then you must be able to delay immediate gratification. We must train ourselves to do that which should be done, when  it should be done whether we feel like it or not. We must resist the pull of the EXPEDIENCY FACTOR. The principle of which states that:
People invariably seek the fastest and easiest way to achieve their ends without regard to the consequences of their actions in the long term.
This factor is a major player in the underachievement field. As Brian Tracy succinctly put it "Every minute, there is a battle going on inside us between doing what is right and necessary and doing what is fun and of little value." You dear friend must win this battle every minute.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow


Monday, October 24, 2016

Hi guys,
Sorry I reneged on my promise to feed you positive vibes daily, I got caught up with my final year project work.
All the same, happy new week. I believe we are all working hard towards making our dreams come true. Add a little more effort just for me.
I woke up this morning and decided to write this post. Then came a little voice saying "c'mon put it off for a bit, there is still time" but I said "NO EXCUSES" I'm doing this now.

This got me thinking about how many people out there who are underachieving because of that tiny voice called PROCRASTINATION. We all want the same things in life- wealth, health, , love, power etc- but only a precious few actually get it. This is because only a few of us are willing to say to that tiny voice "SHUT UP, I DON'T MAKE EXCUSES". Procrastination is the thief of time and opportunity. It has led  a lot of people to underachieve. You dear friend do not want to be the next in line. Refuse to make excuses. Do it or do not do it, but do not make excuses as Brian Tracy rightly put it in NO EXCUSES. The next time you find that tiny voice telling you to put it off for one more minute, say to yourself "I DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES" and go on to do what you originally wanted to do. I did it and here we have this post. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Welcome to Eke's blog!

Finally, I got going after months of procrastination. I have planned for this day several times over in my head yet I couldn't get myself to start this. Heck! procrastination is really the thief of time.

Alright, you're welcome to Richer Living. Daily I'll be dropping amazing stuff on you my reader to help us all stay positive. I feel that right now the world needs all the positivity it can get based on the events occurring all around us. It will take only people with a glass half full mentality to help change the world and here I am doing my own bit. I was once despondent, depressed and down on myself as a result of my mistakes. Then one day, I stumbled upon Addicted2Success and since then my life has changed for the better. Just 11 months ago, I was a bright, brilliant young man fully ready to waste his talent. I was frustrated to put it mildly. I didn't know what direction my life was heading to. I was studying in the university yet I didn't know why I was even going to school. Since getting to know about Addicted2Success I've learned how to design web sites, I can write three programming languages (not perfectly but I'm getting there), I've qualified for Andela interview. Even though I didn't get past the interview stage, they told me I was one of the top 10% in an exercise carried out by thousands. For a frustrated guy just a year ago, that's some victory -besides I only started writing code in August 2016- and I'm not done winning yet. I'm a better student and human just because someone somewhere decided to start a positivity blog. I've read countless books ever since (I've always loved reading though) and not just any book but relevant books.

Now, my life has direction, I know where I'm headed and all these because some guy somewhere decided to start a blog like this. It is my dream that someday some person somewhere in the world would say the same thing about this blog. I've not achieved much yet but I've achieved enough to keep me hungry for more and I sincerely hope that we (you and me dear reader) can achieve our dreams together. I'll leave you here today to ponder on these thoughts. Heck! I finally got started.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow so we can continue on our journey towards a richer life. A life of achievement.
