Hi guys, its like its been ages since the last post. I apologize for failing on my promise. I've been going through a difficult patch. I'm equal to it though. The difficulties may have won the battle of the last 3 weeks but I won the war(They stopped me posting for 3 weeks but I am posting again).
I got another taste of how it feels to see your best laid plans fall apart. It irks guys heck it irks. You make very good even brilliant plans and yet they fail and you're left thinking "what more could I do to win?". A few years ago, I would have been despaired, despondent, depressed and wallowing in self pity. Not anymore though. I know that plans fail, we have bad days, things won't always go according to plans. I do not know why but I guess it's just the nature of the human life. Instead when our plans fail we should stand up for ourselves. We start over again, we build other plans. We bear it in my mind that temporary defeat is not permanent failure. We remember that losing the battle does not equate to losing the war. We set sail once more towards our coveted goal with even better plans. We just keep going. We do this because we are winners and winners never ever ever QUIT!
Happy new week!

Happy new week!