Happy new week!
Remember to add a little more effort just for me. It might just be what you need to get across the line.Live life fully while you are here. Experience Everything. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up, you are going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Find the cause of your problems and eliminate it. Do not try to be perfect. Just be an excellent example of being human.Constantly look for ways to improve yourself. Be a life-long learner. Let your humanity- your caring for yourself and your caring for others- be the guiding principle of your life. But do not take life too seriously that you lose the power of spontaneity, the pleasure that comes from being silly and being a kid again.
People invariably seek the fastest and easiest way to achieve their ends without regard to the consequences of their actions in the long term.This factor is a major player in the underachievement field. As Brian Tracy succinctly put it "Every minute, there is a battle going on inside us between doing what is right and necessary and doing what is fun and of little value." You dear friend must win this battle every minute.
Finally, I got going after months of procrastination. I have planned for this day several times over in my head yet I couldn't get myself to start this. Heck! procrastination is really the thief of time.
Alright, you're welcome to Richer Living. Daily I'll be dropping amazing stuff on you my reader to help us all stay positive. I feel that right now the world needs all the positivity it can get based on the events occurring all around us. It will take only people with a glass half full mentality to help change the world and here I am doing my own bit. I was once despondent, depressed and down on myself as a result of my mistakes. Then one day, I stumbled upon Addicted2Success and since then my life has changed for the better. Just 11 months ago, I was a bright, brilliant young man fully ready to waste his talent. I was frustrated to put it mildly. I didn't know what direction my life was heading to. I was studying in the university yet I didn't know why I was even going to school. Since getting to know about Addicted2Success I've learned how to design web sites, I can write three programming languages (not perfectly but I'm getting there), I've qualified for Andela interview. Even though I didn't get past the interview stage, they told me I was one of the top 10% in an exercise carried out by thousands. For a frustrated guy just a year ago, that's some victory -besides I only started writing code in August 2016- and I'm not done winning yet. I'm a better student and human just because someone somewhere decided to start a positivity blog. I've read countless books ever since (I've always loved reading though) and not just any book but relevant books.
Now, my life has direction, I know where I'm headed and all these because some guy somewhere decided to start a blog like this. It is my dream that someday some person somewhere in the world would say the same thing about this blog. I've not achieved much yet but I've achieved enough to keep me hungry for more and I sincerely hope that we (you and me dear reader) can achieve our dreams together. I'll leave you here today to ponder on these thoughts. Heck! I finally got started.